Hey guys, what do you think of the state of this Zoe Q90 40 2018 with 70000km? How much would you give for him/do you think it would be worth? The autonomy says 210 km loaded with consumption of 16.6kw/100km which I though would be a bit low considering it should go up to 300km? The SOH from CanZE app says at 88% which I felt maybe a bit low, but I have found many people saying that this is a bad value and would be fixed by a firmware update, however I am not sure if this is true or not. You can view all of the CanZE app values here: https://imgur.com/a/rw04jNb

Thank you in advance for the attention and advice!
An old post. But I think that the numbers add up. I do consider the SoH to be low for such short driven distance. Our ZE40 2019 R110 have been driven 135000km now and have a SoH at 92% and 220km range, at a battery temp of -1C (parked outside).
But it is all dependent on price and your needed daily range and if the battery is owned or a rental...